

To set up a Snowflake data source you will need your username, password, account identifier and a default warehouse.

We use the new format of account identifier as described in the Snowflake documentation here.

Do not use your account name, which has the format <account>.<region>.<platform>.

It should have the format <org_name>-<account_name>. You can find it on the Snowflake dashboard here:

Configuration for a Snowflake connection


To configure your Snowflake data source you will need to specify the query, the date column, and any variable columns. The date column should be one of Snowflakes's date formats and variable columns should be numeric.

Any columns that aren't a date or variable column will be considered a dimension, and should have a string type. An exception is the 'cohort' dimension, which should be a date, with the column header explicitly labelled Cohort.

For more details about how to write queries for Causal data sources check out Table Format.